- Number of houses destroyed or damaged:850,791
- number of churches, synagouges,mousqes dameged or destroyed:900
- number of houses destroyed that wernt covered under the federal housing recovery plan:200,000
- amount given by goverment to katrina relief:85 billion
- amount spent oby FEMA on housing assistance for hurricane assistance:less than 4 billion
- amount spent by FEMA on operating expences and salaries: 6 billion
- number of FEMA trailers occupied in missiupi :94000
- number of trailers needed in new orleans:69706
- number of trailers occupying new orleans:31517
- average cost of an FEMA trailer per month:3200
- number of migrant workers to the gulf coast since katrina:30000
- precentage of people who came back to live in new orleans:40
- average homeowner claim before katrina :22084 after katrina :93118