hurricane katrina

hurricane katrina

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hurricane katrina was formed over the bahamas on augest 23 in 2005 then it crossed over to florida as a grade 1 hurricane but it did cause some deaths in florida and s decenrt amount of flooding.Then it flowed along to the gulf of mexico.It caused a moderate amount of damage on thelf coast but then it became a category 3 hurricane when it reached siuth Louisina.Although it did cause severe destruction in florida and down the gulf coast the most devestation occured in new orleans where 80% of new orleans and nearby towns were flooded.At least 1835 people llost their lives between the actual hurricane and the flooding.It was the biggest US hurricane since the 1928 ockeechobee hurricane.Economic consultant randell bell said"Hurricane Katrina was the largest natural disaster in american history.Preliminary damage is estimated to cost in the range of 100billion eclipsing many times the dammage that hurricane Andrew brought in 1992.A main cause of why ther was such large scale flooding was becausse of the levee systems and how they failed miserably.After the levee failures an enquires were made about how they were constructed these documents were held by the US army corps of engineers and questins were asked about their maintenence of thre levee system.There was also in vestigations into the responces from federal state and and local goverments resulting in the resignation of FEMA director Michael.D.Brown and the new orleans police department superintendent eddie compass.In contrast the the national hurricane centre,United States coast guards and national weather service were comended for their actions and their accurite weather predictions.Stil today many people are still left homeless and some people are still living in trailers.Some people hav even moved out of new orleans because they could not go back to their houses because they were destroyed and they did not want to have to stay in trailers while their houses were being rebuilt.Also they just wanted to get away from the place that gave them so many bad memories

Monday, February 1, 2010

  • when katrina hit land it had gusts reaching up to 140 mph it was catagory 5 on scale
  • huricane katrina came on to land at a wind speed of 135mph
  • the hurricane is the worst natural disaster since the earthquake in san francisco
  • experts reckon that 1 million people became homeless
  • 80% of new orleans was under water and one unfortunite town was 20feet under water
  • the mayor of new orleans ordered that everybody in new orleans should be evacuated thats 485,000 people
  • in new orleans one third of people are under the poverty in six lacked a car so it was very hard for them to evacuate so many died